Drawing Classes

Drawing Classes in Kolathur

Explore Drawing Classes in Kolathur. Join expert-led sessions to learn drawing effectively. Enhance your drawing, writing skills with comprehensive Drawing Classes in Kolathur.

Handwriting, Drawing & Craft Classes in Kolathur

Why Drawing is Important for Your Child’s Development

One of the first things a child can do is pick up a pencil and start drawing. And as new technologies are becoming much more accessible to children and their families, they bring with them new ways to learn important creative skills. We see drawing as one of the most fundamental of these skills.

Drawing makes children more expressive

Children can’t always express themselves using words and actions, so drawing is another important form of communication. You can gain an insight into your child’s thoughts and feelings through their drawings. Being able to express what they feel also boosts a child’s emotional intelligence.

It lets their imagination run wild!

Drawing enables your child’s imagination to become more

active. Each time they draw they access their imagination and make physical representations of what’s in their mind. People’s imaginations have allowed them to create all of the things that we use and are surrounded by every day.

Drawing gets your little one’s school ready

Drawing is one of the early foundations of logical thinking or abstract thought. Whether your child is still at home with you or at school already, drawing helps them prepare for understanding more difficult concepts. Learning these creative ways of thinking at an early age readies a child for future education. Provide your kids with a variety of materials to draw with, for example crayons, paint, chalk – and don’t forget digital media tools too, to help them get used to the tablets and other computers that they’re sure to use frequently in the future.


Handwriting helps us develop the skills essential for all communication. Without it, our brains don’t create some of the processes which help us be good communicators. And all parts of communication suffer.

Students who spend time working on their handwriting skills display a better ability to produce clear and coherent communication, quality writing, and have better focus and thought organization. And like any essential process—the more you practice, the more efficient and effective you become.

Handwriting is an important part of a child’s ability to read, write (by hand or otherwise), and learn. It develops both fine and visual motor skills, along with many other abilities crucial for learning.

Handwriting supports:
  • Visual focusing
  • Mental attention
  • Organized physical movements
  • Receptive language
  • Inner expressive language
  • Memory recall
  • Concentration and awareness
  • Spatial perception
  • Organization
  • Integration
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Motor planning
  • Tactile input
  • Crossing midline

Children continue to grow all the way until they have fully matured and reached adulthood. And, during this time that they are growing, the things we as parents incorporate into their lives is vital to who they will become. During this time, their brains are growing and developing – their mathematics skills, their creativity, their language skills, their personality, their likes and dislikes, and much more. And, there are several outside factors that play a major role in their development…

Why are arts and crafts important?

Arts and crafts are important for several different reasons. They help in the developmental growth in children of all ages.

Motor and Coordination Skills

Simple tasks such as using a pair of scissors or holding a paintbrush helps enhance fine motor skills. Arts and crafts are also a great time to help your child learn things like how to hold a pencil correctly. The sooner they learn, the easier grade school will be.

Language Development

When a young child makes something new, they enjoy sharing it with others. Encourage your child to discuss with you what they have made and how they made it, as this will help improve their language skills.

Academic Skills

Through arts and crafts, children can also improve their academic skills. For example, they are faced with counting out the correct number of beads, reading the instructions, or writing a few words on the project.


Creativity is actually a learned skill – we often block out creativity, so it is important to help our children practice it so they don’t lose that skill. Encourage your child to put their own creative spin on the project or allow them to determine how to display the project in a creative fashion. You will be surprised what goes on in that little imagination of theirs!

Decision Making and Critical Thinking

Creating something can teach them how to make decisions through deciding what they will do with the finished piece, what colors will they use, what materials will be best to use. They are faced with the challenge of thinking critically in terms of deciding the best route for going about the project and decision making based on all the aspects of the project.
Who doesn’t like to make learning fun? And, thanks to arts and crafts, you can make learning and development for your child fun.
These activities are great to do with your child and also great for them to do alone.
Akshara Coaching offers you Craft, Handwriting and Certified Drawing course where we make our students get trained, participate in competitions held at different centers or schools and certified by the competitors for winners and also for the participants.

For more information call: +91 9841374906

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